
Congratulations Andrea!!
After a great presentation and engaging scientific discussion with the opponents, we are excited to be able to call you Dr. Pinna now. Lucky for the lab, you will be staying with us to continue as a Postdoc.
Grmay Hailu Lilay has been tenured as Assistant Professor of Molecular Plant Nutrition from November 01, 2024. His research area ranges from rhizosphere processes, nutrient sensing, uptake and assimilation to optimizing foliar uptake and utilization of nanoparticle-encapsulated essential plant nutrients. Huge congratulations, Grmay!
Our publication, Linking the key physiological functions of essential micronutrients to their deficiency symptoms in plants has received over 5000 views! Congratulations to the authors!
Keynote addresses
Søren has been invited to give the following keynotes. Check out these exciting conferences:
EAPR2024: The next generation of more efficient fertilizers in potato production
IMSIS2024: LA-ICP-MS to study the fundamentals of mineral ion and nanoparticle interactions with plant tissue
NanoPlant2024: Biocompatible nanofertilizers for improved delivery of essential plant nutrients in crops

Publication Alert!
Endodermal suberin restricts root leakage of cesium: a suitable tracer for potassium
In this article, we developed a method to enable visualization of potassium (K) movement in root tissues, based on Laser Ablation ICP-MS. Since background signals for K are high, and the K-isotopes available suffer from interference, we used cesium (Cs) as a tracer ion for the K movement. With this method we show that physical barriers in the root (i.e. suberin) control the upwards movement of K by reducing leakage, from the root to the outer surroundings.

Francesco bags best poster award at the 11th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
The conference focused on the latest developments in plasma spectrochemistry, for applications in environmental, industrial, and biological sectors. (
Francesco's poster provides the framework for his PhD work, which explores the use of nano-hydroxyapatite as a phosphorus fertilizer. Congratulations to him!

Increasing nutrient use efficiency in crops by smart biocompatible nanomaterials
The second annual meeting in the BioComFert project funded by the NNF challenge programme “Smart Nanomaterials” was held this week at Dragsholm Castle – we are now two years into the project and top exciting science was presented, new strategies for collaboration between partners were decided and not least, we had a great time together in these wonderful settings. The BioComfert is a cross disciplinary project between research groups at DTU Physics, McGill University, DTU Energy and KU PLEN.

Our article in Physiologia Plantarum is one of the most downloaded of the publication year! Check it out here:

New Publication alert! A review article entitled 'Linking the key physiological functions of essential micronutrients to their deficiency symptoms in plants' is now published in New Phytologist! Check it out here:

Jan 26, 2024 we held a farewell reception for professor DSc Jan K Schjørring, who decided to step down after 42 years at in the plant nutrition group at KU. Jan will fortunately continue as emeritus and continue to support activities in the group.

Daniel and Søren presented highlights from the nanofertilizer projects LIPOSOME and BioComFert at Plantekongressen 2024 in Herning - 1600 people participted in this very well organized congress.

Søren gave a key-note address at the 2023 IFS conference on Unleashing the potential of nanofertilization at the University of Cambridge. Details here:

The first joint paper in BioComFert is out in the journal Environmental Science and Technology! Catch the latest:

A part of the group went on a Christmas excursion to northern Zealand:

1st prize for best presentation at the PLEN PhD conference goes to Max. Congratulations to him!

Together with colleagues from McGill (Canada) and DTU (Denmark), Andrea, Idil, Daniel and Søren spend several days that the European synchotron beamline in Grenoble
We are very happy to welcome Noémie Thiébaut on board. She will complement our team as a Postdoc for the next year!

The partners in the LIPOSOME project were invited to see the new office and production facilities of FLEX Fertilizer Systems. Thanks for the great welcome, tour around the new building and the cake ;)

After a well-deserved summer break, our lab starts of the good with the publication of the opinion paper of Max and Søren. Is India’s largest fertilizer manufacturer misleading farmers and society using dubious plant and soil science?
To show-case the impact of this paper, it has been featured in many popular news paper articles both in India and now also in Denmark.
See here the link to the latest one in Weekendavisen
It has been an eventful month in the Husted lab!
On the 2nd, Stine Le Tougaard successfully defended her PhD. We want to thank Stine for the years she has been in our lab, as a productive scientists and a great colleague.
Good luck with your next career step Stine!

On the 9th, during the annual University of Copenhagen Festival our PhD student Max performs best during the Science Slam, aimed at delivering your scientific message to a crowd of non-specialist in a fun way.
Great Max! We enjoyed the watermelon you won! Max being presented with the prize by Nobel laureate Morten Meldal.

On the 13th, Asbjørn defended his MSc thesis. We were very much impressed with his presentation and work overall! We are happy to share that Asbjørn will stay with our lab as Research Assistant!

After 1 year of work the partners in the BioComFert project meet again for a 2-day intensive session, to set the direction for the coming year. The Konventum in Elsinore hosted us and set the perfect atmosphere to get inspired.

Yeah! Max Frank has accepted to stay in our group and continue the work he started as a Research Assistant during the next 3 years as PhD student.
We are delighted to announce that Idil Ertem will join our lab as Research Assistant for the next 6 months. Idil approached Søren during a conference in Brazil. Her pro-active nature has not only enabled our group to find her, but also shines through in her work-attitude, she has already generated results in the few weeks she is now part of the group.
Interested to read our view on the current state of nanotechnology in foliar fertilization? Check out our newest paper What is missing to advance foliar fertilization using nanotechnology? - ScienceDirect)
Thanks to our partners Flex Fertilizer Systems and SEGES for the great collaboration during the Smart-P project, which we finalized this month!
SPPS Innovation Prize awarded to Søren!
For his role in the establishment of two spin-outs, Søren was rewarded the Innovation prize of the Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.
Daniel Perrson did it! He was just tenured as Assistant Professor at our institute. We are happy to be part of his first steps as independent researcher.
Hotel Hornbæk hus in Helsingør set the perfect scene to meet in style with all project partners in the BioComFert project for the Kick-off meeting.

Welcome on board Birte Martin-Bertelsen! Birte joins us for her Postdoc on the 29.745.690 kr. large new research project: LIPOSOME funded by Danmarks Innovationsfond.
Together with McGill University in Canada, DTU Physics and DTU Energy, we were awarded a 60.000.000kr. grant from NovoNordiskFonden. We could not be more proud, and are looking forward to 6 years of fruitful collaboration.